The Able Label
A full range adaptive fashion to make independent dressing easier.

Who they are
This fashion brand was launched in 2014 to make stylish, beautiful clothing accessible and adaptive, centering people in everything they do. Whilst their products are designed to be affordable, stylish and comfortable there were 2 clear design goals. 1) No overhead dressing and 2) no fiddly zippers. This is so everyone, including those who struggle with self dressing and assisted dressing can wear The Able Label.
Founder Katie X worked in the retail world as a fashion buyer at the White Stuff but when her grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson's she wanted to do everything we could to support her in keeping her independence for as long as possible. Her grandmother explained how she hated needing help to get dresses. Feeling as if she'd lost her dignity, Katie thought that there had to be a brand out there to help women with dressing difficulties who still want to maintain their style and identity.
Katie looked for a solution but all she found was a gaping hole in the fashion world for adaptive clothing so she decided to step up and bridge the gap between function and fashion. To give people back their independence as well as build the self-confidence of those who face the emotional, physical and cognitive challenge of dressing everyday.
What they sell
Their core collection of womenswear expanded to offer menswear, outerwear and seasonal pieces and with wearers and carers always in mind, their products' main focus is to make assisted and self-dressing quicker, easier and safer. The quality fabrics, discreet adaptive designs, innovative fastenings and hidden extras make dressing easier for those who may suffer from restricted movement or lack of finger dexterity. The aim of our clothes is that they aren't obviously adapted, using velcro and decorative fastenings, when our clothes are worn, no one would know they were adapted. Sale items begin at £11.
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